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FRAUD ALERT! SDCCU will NEVER ask you to pay a loan or deposit funds with the credit union by using a peer-to-peer payment network like PayPal or Venmo. If you are requested to do so, please be aware that this is a SCAM! To learn about current scams on the rise and how to avoid them, visit
FRAUD ALERT! SDCCU will NEVER ask you to pay a loan or deposit funds with the credit union by using a peer-to-peer payment network like PayPal or Venmo. If you are requested to do so, please be aware that this is a SCAM! To learn about current scams on the rise and how to avoid them, visit

Personal Finance Education

As part of our ongoing commitment to personal finance education, SDCCU is happy to present free seminars and webinars. Check our events calendar for details on upcoming seminars. 

Our online webinar resources feature our esteemed guest speakers, such as Cyber Security expert Jim Stickley. Our financial planning education topics include retirement planning, investing, stocks, bonds, real estate, personal financial management, online security, preventing identity theft and more. 

View past webinars on YouTube

San Diego County Credit Union makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the information that is supplied on this page. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. 

Investments and Insurance:
Are Not Obligations of San Diego County Credit UnionHave No Credit Union or Affiliated Entity Guarantee
Are Not NCUA Insured
Are Not Insured by any State or Federal Government AgencyInvolve Investment Risks and May Lose Value Including Possible Loss of Principal

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Thanks for applying for a business loan with SDCCU!
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