SDCCU Biz Kid$

Introducing SDCCU Biz Kid$

SDCCU is excited to partner with the San Diego County Office of Education and Live Well San Diego to introduce educators to the SDCCU Biz Kid$ program, a financial literacy initiative that teaches kids about money and business. View our financial infographic to learn more about the importance of financial literacy in our schools. The program includes an Emmy award winning television series from the creators of Bill Nye the Science Guy, free classroom curriculum, outreach activities and a website for kids of all ages. All of the Biz Kid$ episodes adhere to national, state and local standards for financial literacy and entrepreneurship education.

The SDCCU Biz Kid$ program provides online resources and now more episodes are available to help educators and parents provide financial education and entertain kids at home.

Follow these steps to get started with Biz Kid$:

  1. Select a topic: Find a topic on the Biz Kid$ website under Lesson Plans.
  2. Find and watch the video: The free short video clips (1-2 minutes) can be watched from the Biz Kid$ website or on the Biz Kid$ YouTube channel.
  3. Follow the lesson plan: Find the lesson plan that matches up with the episode number you selected under Lesson Plans on the Biz Kid$ website. Follow along, have the kids complete the worksheets, and most importantly, have fun learning about money together!

Learn more about how SDCCU is supporting our schools and teachers

Biz Kid$ Events

SDCCU hosts Biz Kid$ events online and in-person. We look forward to you and your kids joining us at an event. For details on upcoming events, visit our Financial Wellness Wednesdays page.

The need for Biz Kid$ financial literacy programs: 

Biz Kids

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